Importing Personnel Data for Random Selection for Drug and Alcohol Testing

DrugTestNetwork’s online application software for drug and alcohol testing data management and random selection has easy to use import features to manage the upkeep of employer personnel rosters.

One of the biggest challenges faced by TPAs is keeping employee rosters up-to-date for the random selection of personnel for drug and alcohol testing.  Importing data is an easy task with resources that read Excel spreadsheets saved as “tab delimited” text files.

Employers often have the capability to review their active personnel/employee lists in an Excel spreadsheet.  From there it’s easy to modify the spreadsheet to import the data into the Employer’s account.  The system has the capability to import far more than simply an employee’s first name, last name and employee ID whether it is a Social Security Number or other proprietary employment ID, however, this article will limit the discussion to a subset of the possible fields for import. Continue reading